Firmware Downloads for FlyCam NaviBoard
FlyCamNavi v3.1 (Apr 09, 2013)
Support for Android Application(Ground Station - PID, WAYPOINT, OSD)
FlyCamNavi v3.0 (Apr 02, 2013)
Upgraded for Attitude and GPS Control.
FlyCamNavi v2.3 (Jul 11, 2012)
Fixed kick up when Yawing.
FlyCamNavi v2.2 (Jul 10, 2012)
FlyCam Naviboard firmware v2.2 released.
Added the Speed Control for GPS.
FlyCamNavi v2.1 (May 30, 2012)
FlyCam Naviboard firmware v2.1 released.
Added or changed in Naviboard firmware v2.1 are as follows.
Added the feature
1. In GPS position hold, when the multicopter move by the transmitter stick, the location of the multicopter was changed to hold it in place.
It can be moved to the desired by the stick location after position hold.
All trim except of throttle trim should be located in the center.
If you have a lot of trim, should be maintained horizontally through the stick centering or initialization of accelerometer.
2. Carefree has been added.(2'nd position of 9channel, middle position)
the information about carefree explain in more detail below
3. During carefree the heading always toward to home has been added. (3'rd position of 9channel, On)
This feature is only possible if it has not been set waypoint or follow me function.
In addition, itis only active if more than 20m away based on the location of the home, it is the same as the general carefree within 20m.
When this function operates,the aileron stick decide the direction of rotation and the elevator stick decide the distance to the home.
Therefore, if the camera is mounted, the multicopter is always looking at home and can get to rotate images.
the rudder can be controlled manually while using of this function,but the multicopter look at home again when the rudder stick to the center.

4. It has been stabilized the attitude control when take off.
Yaw control that was operated before take off is controlled after take off.
If the yaw control is started after take off, a buzzer will be sound one beep.
To control stable, had better get into the hovering mode more than 1m take off as soon as possible.
5. Arming is turned off automatically after landing.
During the flight, Arming do not turned off, even if the throttle stick move to bottom. please be assured.
6. It can be used the altitude hold feature before take off.
If turn on the altitude hold after arming and take off, will be started the altitude control
The buzzer will be sound when turn on the altitude hold function before arming.
If the altitude control is started after take off, a buzzer will be sound one beep.
To control stable, had better get into the hovering mode more than 1m take off as soon as possible.
7. During the altitude hold, the width of the height change along the height by moving of the throttle stick.
The throttle reflects largely at high altitude and the throttle is reflected smallat low altitude.
Deleted the feature
1. When coming home the ability to maintain heading, delete the Home.
Introduce newly added carefree features.
First of all,user who haven't read the post below, please read that
Introduction to general carefree
Introduction to GPS carefree
To enable carefree, should be assigned to 3'rd position switch of 9th channel
1'st position(Off) is the free-flight mode (Carefree Off)
2'nd position(Middle) is carefree On mode
3'rd position(On) is waypoint or follow me mode
If this mode is not enabled, will be the function that the heading always toward to home during carefree.
In 2'nd position of 9th channel at v2.0 (Middle), the function that turn heading to home when coming home.
But, In v2.1, this feature deleted and replaced by carefree.
Within a radius of 20m based on home, carefree on
It must be enabled the function of carefree in the rear of the hovering.
It is operated general carefree within a radius of 20m.
Outside a radius of 20m based on home, carefree on
It can enable to do carefree function regardless of the position of multicopter and heading direction.
It is operated GPS carefree outside a radius of 20m.
A pilot have to control always thinking that the multicopter is being a rear of hovering even if heading is changed.
GPS Carefree function should be operated the GPS to work properly.
Carefree is enabled in a rear of hovering when GPS does not work and it is operated on general carefree mode.
In case deviate a radius of 20m

If outside a radius of 20m in using carefree within a radius of 20m, it is operated GPS carefree mode.
In general, deviate from a radius of 20m by using the elevator stick of the transmitter.
In case enter a radius of 20m

If enter a radius of 20m in using GPS carefree outside a radius of 20m, it is operated general carefree mode.
It is used the elevator stick of the transmitter to enter into a radius of 20m.
Caution detail in case deviate a radius of 20m

If outside a radius of 20m in using carefree within a radius of 20m, it is operated GPS carefree mode.
In general, deviate from a radius of 20m by using the elevator stick of the transmitter but must be caution to deviate deviate from a radius of 20m by using aileron.
This is because change the movement of multicopter by the movement of the stick at the moment when deviate from a radius of 20m.
When the buzzer rings, multicopter is being in a radius of range 15 ~ 20m radius from home in carefree function.
To summarize again,
1. within a radius of 20m
2. in using carefree
3. by using aileron
4. move out a radius of 20m
If are satisfied with four conditions above,please notice.
It has nothing to do the case move by the elevator.
Range of the buzzer ringing

When the buzzer rings, multicopter is being in a radius of range 15 ~ 20m radius from home in carefree function.
In this range, it is operated general carefree and the buzzer will be not sound the case that move out a radius of 20m or enter into a radius of 15m.
Do not operate rudder by force in carefree mode.
For example, it is not able to control the situation that the multicopter is spinning by rudder control.
FlyCamNavi v2.0 (May 17, 2012)
FlyCam Naviboard firmware v2.0 released
Changed features as follows.
1.It supports the newly released FlyCam Naviboard II.
2.Attitude control algorithm has been improved.
3.In Altitude Hold, the stick reaction of Aileron, Elevator, Rudder, Throttle is dull.
4.In Altitude Hold, the descent rate and rising rates controls according to the throttle response.
5.A stable heading is maintained yaw control to improve.
6.A magnetometersensor has been more stable.
Deleted features
1.the function to add the waypoint by transmitter has been deleted.
2.the function to delete the waypoint by transmitter has been deleted.
Important details
If you mount the Naviboard in Blackboard, all have to set the blackboard in the middle of gain.
Naviboard firmware v 2.0 provides the initial value of PID gain and if there is no special problem and do not change the gain,
please approximately 5-10% even if you change to add and subtract.
In basic gain, have checked with a fun quadcopter, hexacopter, octocopter to be reliable.
Noted items
In the case of the previous barometer sensor FlyCam Naviboard's performance is not good, and it is not even a reliable altitude control.
the fault of these newly released the FlyCam Naviboard II by improving has been replaced by the good performance of barometer sensor.
FlyCamNavi v1.4 (Mar 12, 2012)
FlyCam OSD supported.
Improved a low sensitivity of magnetometer.
FlyCamNavi v1.3a (Dec 18, 2011)
Altitude Bug Fixed.
FlyCamNavi v1.3 (Dec 15, 2011)
The additional features are as follows.
1. When you plug in the power, initialize the GPS module.
Even if the battery discharge, it is possible to be using without the calibration of the magnetometer.
2. Support the extended ultra sonar sensor. (FlyCam Sonar, Max Sonar, Extended Barometer)
FlyCam Sonar and Max Sonar are similar in the performance.
Extended Barometer will sell with module.
3. If one of the barometer, accelerometer and magnetometer lose the function.
The copter is controlled by the blackboard.
If this occur, don't switch the copter off and can check the sensor status connecting the FlyCam Ground Station.
The naviboard need A/S.
4. Increased the time of the magnetometer initialization.
(rotate it 90 degrees until the sounder will beep and repeat three times.)
5. Improved more altitude hold by the barometer.
But altitude hold need to be careful by the inaccuracy of barometer.
When you are the coming home and waypoint, the low altitude that in below 15m doesn't recommend the altitude hold.
6. When the naviboard and blackboard is connected, the stick responding of the blackboard is quickly.
It need the firmware v2.5. if the stick responding is very quickly, can set the EXP in your Tx.
Don't adjust D/R,Travel Adjust, Endpoint and etc.
7. Improved more the GPS position hold.
The copter is responsive to in the wind.
8. When you have the comming home, add in a partial speed controll.
Decrease the status that it has not been able to return to home position.
9. Added the GPS waypoint in two ways.
It is able to register maximun 32 point and no limit the distance.
The ways of the registering are as follows.
10.Added the GPS follow me function.
This function change 9'th channel to the 3 position switch and work case of no register point.
It is able to run the postion hold, comming home
For using this fuction, it need one more naviboard and the communications equipment like Zigbee, bluetooth and etc.
We will post the connecting method in setting manual.
The way of the registering in PC
You can register the waypoint with mouse click and drag through google map in running FlyCam Ground Station v1.1.
If the copter goes into the radius of the check point, is regarded to be passing the check point.
If set the radius to 0m, set automatically the radius to 5 ~ 10m based on the status of the GPS.
"wait" after the copter goes into the radius, set wait time with seconds.
"heading" when the copter is heading for the check point, turn heading to check point or not.
If you check heading, is always heading for the check point.
In this case, you can turn heading by rudder stick but if the stick release, the heading change automatically for the check point.
To transfer from the register waypoint to the navi board, press " Write Waypoint".
To display a storage waypoint in the naviboard, press " Read Waypoint".
Futher instructions refer to link video.