Setting Manual for FlyCam MCFC
The letters MCFC stand for FlyCam MultiCopter Flight Controller and it is called "Blackboard II".
This board can fly alone,and it is also possible to connect it to GPS/Compass Board or OSD board through its’receiver port.
the FlyCam MCFC offers more excellent function.
Feature of FlyCam MCFC
- Digital 3-Axis MEMS Gyroscope
- Digital 3-Axis Accelerometer
- Digital Barometer
- 3-Axis MagnetometerMulticopter stabilization controller
it is able to be more stable flight
● 18types of multicopter support
● Gimbal stabilization function for roll and pitch.
- It is compatible with 2-axis gimbal.
● Supporting Futaba S-bus receiver.
- Compatible with 2.4Ghz
● Altitude Hold
● Care free(heading free)
● GPS Function
- GPS Care free
- Waypoint flight
- Follow me (with X-bee)
- GPS position hold(it can be changed by stick)
- Return to home(GPS position hold can be changed by stick)

Connecting with receiver
Connect the receiver port of the MCFC to receiver.
it can be connected to a maximum 8channel.
if use the futaba transmitter which supports S-bus, please connect s-bus port of the MCFC to receiver.

connect s-bus port of the MCFC to receiver.

1'st channel : Aileron
2'nd channel : Elevator
3'rd channel : Throttle
4'th channel : Rudder
5'th channel : Maintain altitude ( 2 position switch on,off )
6'th channel : Autopilot by GPS ( 3 position switch,(0) Free Flight,(1'st) Position Hold,(2'nd) Coming Home )
7'th channel : Tilt servo control or change the Acro mode flight
8'th channel : To enable carefree(2'nd switch), waypoint or follow me should be assigned to 3'rd position switch of 8'th channel.
if waypoint has not been assigned to 3'rd position switch of 8'th channel,operate follow me ( need X bee )
A minimum of 6 channels is required to operate the MCFC. We recommend the use of an RX with 9 or more channels
If the waypoint or follow me is not enabled, will be the function that the heading always toward to home during carefree.
When you plug in the power, the following beeping alarm will sound. If any flight mode switch is in its’ active position,
the alarms are as follows:
- In the case of the throttle stick being up ( Red LED light's )
- In the case of channel 5 being active or forgotten in "maintain altitude" position. (Green LED light's up)
- In the case of channel 6 being active or forgotten in "Position hold" or "Coming Home" (Blue LED light's up)
- In the case of channel 8 being active or forgotten in "care free" (Red LED light's up)
If you need to reverse the switch for altitude hold and GPS, please reverse a applicable channel in the Tx.
The Tx set with Air Plane mode and should be clear all mixing.
The travel range of all channel set with +- 100,also D/R setting is just the same.
If it decrease the travel of Tx, can't enter to each setting mode.