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Introducing the GPS Carefree
This time, there is introducing GPS carefree to expand Carefree.
Let's see what features.
Carefree set to enable heading by pilot, carefree On.
However, during the flight without using carefree functions, if you forget the heading, this feature are useless.
It also fly using carefree, the multicopter send into the rear of the flight of a pilot, also it will be a useless.
The multicopter wherever be heading or direction with the help of GPS, if the elevator stick is pulled, the the multicopter come to the position of pilot is convenient.
In other words, push the elevator (Up) away with pilot and pulled (Down) can be closer.

The pilot is located in arming position in order to activate this feature, In other words, must be located in Home, in the home must be more than 20m away.
It is too close to the angle of pilot and multicopter is difficult to determine due to the GPS error.
This time, Let's see how it works multicopter when move the aileron.

In the figure above, when GPS carefree mode is enabled, if pushed to the left aileron, Where is the multicopter going ?.
The correct answer is B, not A.
In other words, if you keep pushing for aileron,the multicopter will rotate based on the home.
